Performatik: Agence / Agency / Agentschap

About this event
17.02.2009: 20.00
Agence / Agency / Agentschap

Agency, founded by Kobe Matthys in 1992), compiles lists of "quasi-things", things that raise doubts: are they part of nature or culture, are they subject or object, the consequence of creation or of evolution?

"During an assembly in Wiels on February 17th 20h, Specimen 0880 (Papa Hemingway) will bear witness".

The experiment during this assembly is to allow Specimen 0880 to bear witness. The different guests will be invited to act as "translators" of the thing.

With Antoine Tshitungu, Sari Depreeuw, Alexis Ewbank, Myriam Van Imschoot and McCloud Zicmuse.

This performance is presented at the occcasion of the Performatik Festival, organised by the KAAITHEATER