Suse Weber: Formula - Kongorama#3

About this exhibition
The sculpture’s origin lies in the manifestation of a symbol of power. The monument, the pedestal, and the rows of seats stipulate a code of behavior. Dimensions, placement, and material have the effect of traffic signs, meaning that they force the viewer into a ritual. A sculpture always exists in connection with the viewer’s behavior. This aspect has consequences for the construction, presentation, and existence of a sculpture. I call my sculptures emblematic sculptures because material, paint, color, form, and dynamic are employed as signs. The emblematic sculptures are conceived as building blocks that elude any lasting presentation and thus refuse monumentalization. The emblematic sculpture exists as a complex of signs and involves the viewer by means of a forced ritual.

Suse Weber

in cooperation with Tim Vets and Zarhori Younes

supported by

WIELS residency program, Gallery Barbara Weiss Berlin, Dries Otten, Lina Grumm, Base-Alpha-Gallery  Antwerp, AIR antwerp, Musical Instrument Museum Brussels, Sint-Lucas School of Brussels, detheatermakerVerbeke Foundation 2008, FLACC 2008, Kunstfond Bonn 2008