The Sea Theater - door Mick Taussig, tekeningen door Helene Baril

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De culturele antropoloog Mick Taussig en de kunstenares Helène Baril presenteren hun voorstelling The Sea Theater. Centraal thema van de voorstelling is het in vraag stellen van de transformatie van de zee van een werkruimte tot een consumptiespektakel.


The Sea Theater explores Nietzsche's fascination with the sun setting in the sea on its journey underground. Our focus is on changes in the bodily unconscious along with sleep and the re-enchantment of the world because of the end of the world due to global warming, when marine creatures and humans transform into one another.

The argument: The aim is to explore through performance the changing meaning of one of the great signs of nature, namely the sea. For millennia a working space with huge populations of sailors, wharf laborers, and ship-builders, the harbors of the world and much of the coasts have been transformed from a working space to a commodity spectacle. Today the sea is a multi-million dollar view, the ships invisible, the shopping malls and boutiques ever larger.

Keywords: Re-enchantment. Human-animal. Awakening. End of the World. Revolution. Animation. De-Territorialization. Poetics of the Commodity. Painleve's octopus

Michael Taussig (born in Australia in 1940; professor at Columbia University), an anthropologist known for his provocative ethnographic studies and unconventional style as an academic, is the author of the following books: Beauty and the Beast, (2012). 

14.03.2014, 19:30

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